Peanut Butter: A Surprising Substitute for Indian Ingredients in Delightful Dishes

Indian cuisine is renowned for its rich flavors, vibrant colors, and the use of a variety of spices. However, for those who may not have access to traditional Indian ingredients, finding suitable substitutes can be a challenge. One surprising substitute that has been gaining popularity is peanut butter. Yes, you read that right. The creamy, nutty spread that you slather on your toast can actually be used as a substitute for certain Indian ingredients, adding a delightful twist to traditional dishes. Let’s delve into how peanut butter can be incorporated into Indian cuisine.

Why Peanut Butter?

Peanut butter is a versatile ingredient that can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. It has a rich, creamy texture and a nutty flavor that can enhance the taste of various dishes. Moreover, it is a great source of protein, making it a healthy addition to your meals. In Indian cuisine, peanut butter can be used as a substitute for ingredients like cream, yogurt, and even certain types of nuts.

Examples of Peanut Butter in Indian Dishes

1. Peanut Butter in Curries

Indian curries often call for the use of cream or yogurt to add richness and creaminess. Peanut butter can be a great substitute for these ingredients. For instance, in a traditional butter chicken recipe, you can replace the cream with peanut butter. This not only adds a unique flavor to the dish but also makes it healthier.

2. Peanut Butter in Desserts

Indian desserts like halwa and kheer often use nuts for garnishing or for adding crunch. Peanut butter can be used as a substitute for these nuts. For example, in gajar ka halwa (carrot halwa), you can replace the crushed almonds or cashews with a spoonful of peanut butter. This not only adds a nutty flavor to the dessert but also enhances its creaminess.

3. Peanut Butter in Snacks

Indian snacks like samosas and pakoras often use gram flour (besan) as a key ingredient. Peanut butter can be used as a substitute for this ingredient. For instance, in a pakora recipe, you can replace the gram flour with peanut butter. This not only adds a unique flavor to the snack but also makes it more filling.


While peanut butter may not be a traditional Indian ingredient, it can certainly be used as a substitute in various dishes. Its rich, creamy texture and nutty flavor can add a delightful twist to your favorite Indian dishes. So, the next time you’re cooking an Indian meal, don’t hesitate to reach for that jar of peanut butter!